
Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

I know a day late, but I didn't have time yesterday, being MY day.

"What do you want for Mother's Day?" Hubby asked a week before the big day.
"I don't want anything." I replied. "I have the best gift ever." I said, holding Critter and kissing him.

I know it's corny, but it's true. I don't need/want anything materialistic. My son is the greatest gift.

Since the day he was born, he has given me so much.
He has filled my life with lots of love.
Everyday, everything he does gives me joy and happiness.
Every time he smiles, I melt. Every giggle and laugh, I rejoice.
He has given me the best days of my life. There is nothing more I want or need than my child.

"What do you want to do on Mother's Day?" Hubby asked
"Nothing special really." I said. "Just enjoy the day, like we always do."

Again, I know it's corny, but the truth is, I have the best time with Critter, just hanging around. His favorite thing to do is go "Outsigh" (outside), "go park". I love seeing him have fun and he always has fun, no matter where we are and what we're doing. He just loves being outdoors and walking/running on the sidewalks, touching trees, smelling flowers (yes, he sees flowers and stops and smells them), looking at cars, trucks, airplanes. He has the best reactions to everything, saying "Oh WOOOOW." and  "Look at that."

 I love seeing him enjoying life. It's the small things that make him happy. I love seeing his expression and reactions to things. I love watching him explore and play and smile and laugh and discover and learn.

We spent Mother's Day at the park, Critter playing in a sand pit, and climbing the equipment. We then put a sheet on the grass and played with a ball and tickled Critter and laughed and giggled and smiled and had a wonderful day.

I love every minute I spend with my child. And that is the best gift.
Critter getting a Hug and Kiss from his Mommy
Another Kiss from Mom

Getting an Upside Down Tickle
Doing Airplane on Daddy's Legs
Getting Tickled

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