
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Talking Head

"He's vocabulary is amazing." She said, referring to Critter.
"Wow, he's talking. How old is he?" Another mother asked when Critter was a year and 7 months.

Critter was an early talker. He started babbling very early. He had distinct 'M' sounds for things.He'd see a dog and say mmmmmmmm. He'd see a car and say mmmmmmm, he'd want milk and say mmmmmm, but all with a different intonation. Hubby and I knew exactly what he was saying. His first 'real' word was Dada, and Hubby reminds me ALL the time. Next came 'Mama' and 'More', then 'Stop'. By one year old he knew about a dozen or so words. Ka = car - Yeah I know, I felt like he was from Boston, Da = Dog, Ta = Truck, Up, Dow  = Down. By one year and 3 months (that's 15 months) old, he was saying about 70 words.

To put it in perspective an average 2 year old knows 50 words.
Granted he wasn't using all 70 words all the time, but when he saw something, he'd point to it and say the name.
He also started putting words together in mini sentences, earlier than the average. And he now is up to 7 word sentences.

"You must spend a lot of time teaching him." Another woman once said to me.
Actually, I (and Hubby) didn't spent any 'structured' time 'teaching' him words and sentences. We didn't consciously sit down with him in front of a blackboard and flashcards and drilled words into him. I spoke (and still speak) to him all the time. Since the day he was born (and before), I talked to him, telling him things, what we're doing, where we're going, what's going on.

I started doing it since day one. I remember the first night in the hospital, when all the visitors were gone and I was laying in bed with him, I held him and started telling him how precious he is and telling him about his home and all the people in his family, etc.
When we got home from the hospital, I was talking to him constantly.  After Hubby went to work, I felt so isolated at home. The first couple of months can be very overwhelming, stressful and hectic and I guess to keep my sanity I talked (non-stop) to Critter. I also sang to him alot, which calmed him when he was irritable. Many times I would sing my phrases instead of saying them.
We got a few ditties out of it. Like when taking him to the bedroom to change his diaper "Whooooo did it? Whoooooooo did it? Who did the poo poo in the diiiiiiiaper?"

Maybe all my talking (singing) to Critter from day one and beyond (before) attributed to his early speech. I don't know. All I know, Critter is a jabber mouth.

You can have a full conversation with Critter. Um, just be prepared to talk about trucks (construction, fire, garbage, etc.), cars, bugs, airplanes, etc.

Oh, and my favorite thing is when he mispronounces words. Oh, my gosh, it's the cutest thing. My favorite word that he muddles is Street sweeper. He says it, sheep sheep stir

I'll try to put up a video of him talking.


  1. I'm curious...are you teaching Critter to speak Arabic as well? I remember how excited you used to be whenever you heard people speak it on the subway, so I thought you would want to pass that on to him.

  2. Hey, Mommy D, where are you? It's been too long since your last post. What's up with Critter?

  3. Put up more pix of the smoooochhhiiiii!!!
    His favorite aunt wants to see his cute face.
