
Wednesday, October 13, 2010


When a baby is born, proud parents send out cards announcing the arrival of their baby. It has a photo or two or three with baby's birth date, weight and length. Who remembers that info anyway?

Weeeeell, we still haven't done the Baby Announcements!
YIKES!! What are we waiting for?

Of course we have lots and lots of photos of Critter but......

When he was born, he had newborn rash (Erythema Toxicum) on his face. His skin was very splotchy. Not great for photo ops.
Critter w/ Newborn Rash - 2 weeks old

 After that cleared up for a few days, he went into the teenage years and got baby acne, little pimples all over. Clearasil is a NO NO for babies.

Critter w/ Baby Acne - 3 weeks old
We figured we'd wait till after his skin cleared up for photos. We're vain. Then when Critter was a month old we shaved his head of all his baby hair.

Critter w/ shaved hair - One Month Old
In hubby's culture, they shave the head in order for the hair to grow stronger. Then we wanted to wait till his hair grew in a bit for photos. Yes, we're very vain.

Two and half months after Critter was born, we FINALLY did the announcements! I HATE THEM!!! The photos are tooooooo dark and the paper sucks. I'm now in the process of re- doing them MYSELF! So hold on, the announcements will be in your mailboxes shortly....just in time for Critter to start college.

In the ideal world, at the hospital they should have a photo studio, a few days after you have the baby, you go and have photos taken. They do baby's hair and makeup and capture all the moments. They prop the baby against a fuzzy rug, curl its feed under its body, butt in the air and Snap, Snap, Snap.
Cause who has time to do this after they come home with a newborn!

Monday, October 4, 2010


How many striped outfits can one baby boy have?
And after I took these pictures, HE GOT MORE STRIPPED OUTFITS!

He's outgrown some, but he has others. I'm officially sick and tired of looking at stripes.

I can't figure out why this picture got rotated :-(

My favorite is the one on the right. Snaps on the front are so much easier than snaps on the bottom.