
Monday, November 28, 2011

Shitty Shitty Bang Bang

NO! The title doesn't mean this post is going to be about my sex life with Hubby!

I know kids like to watch the same thing over and over, but this is getting ridiculous.

Critter likes, or I should say loves, music. I constantly sing to him a variety of kid songs. I'll sing while we're in a car, walking and he's in the stroller, just sitting around. If I stop he'll say "more, more".

About a month ago, we watched our Chitty Chitty Bang Bang DVD (so he can listen to the music) and he hasn't stopped watching it! Every day, he'll pick up the remote, point it at the TV and say "Ka"

He's only interested in the scenes with the KA (car). We start the DVD at the scene where the car comes out of the garage all spruced up, and they drive off for a picnic, picking up Truly along the way.......AND that F*CKING SONG starts!

Hubby's favorite line in the movie is when Dick runs Truly off the road into the lake and he says " You'll find a slight squeeze on the hooter an excellent safety precaution" (3:25 in the linked video).....and she still goes on the picnic with them. Maybe she's hoping Dick will show her how a hooter is squeezed.

Critter likes when I sing Do Re Mi but I don't dare put in the Sound of Music DVD. There would be only so much of Maria I can take.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Critter's In Love

We went to a wedding Friday night. An update about my hair troubles at some other time. The more important issue is, Critter is in Love! She came out and he was in awe. Couldn't take her eyes off her. I'm not sure if it was her outfit, what she was doing, her hair, her Ta-tas or her gyrating hips, but Critter was (along with every other person) gaga. I had to roll his tongue back into his mouth.

He literally just stood at the edge of the dance floor and was watching her from afar.....mesmerized.

At one point, while she was dancing, Critter went out to the lobby and practiced his dance moves, probably thinking he can impress her.

This post is dedicated to a friend. He was supposed to go to the wedding, but at the last minute decided he wasn't up to it. If he knew Critter's Love was going to be there, I'm sure he would have been it....and came.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Pink Panther

Well, There You Go, I gone and really done it now!
I can't really get into details now, cause I got to run out to remedy this.

My hair has been doing a funky thing, very dry, falling out. I'll follow up with more details, later.I color my hair every three weeks. Hey, I ain't a young girl, I've got grey!
I decided to try a natural hair dye, thinking that the one I was using was possibly causing the dryness and breakage.

Stupid Girl, I colored my hair yesterday with a new product I had never used before.

Weeeell, I wish I can say it came out Fuckin' Perfect, but.....why are my roots PINK???????? That's right pink. You read that right. Do I need to spell it out? P-I-N-K!

The color was supposed to be Light Mahagony Chestnut.....Looks pretty on the box, right?

But Who Knew?! My hair would turn out really dark brown (nothing like the box) with PINK roots. All the white hair (roots) turned PINK! Arrrrrgggggghhhhhh!

My husband said I look like Rania.

I wish I was that pretty. But yeah, that's the color of my roots BUT with dark rest of head.
I wouldn't care, but we're going to a wedding tonight. Hubby said not to worry about it, "So What, noone is gonna be looking at you". But, but, it looks awful, like someone threw PINK Glitter in the Air and it stuck to my roots. When we ttake our Family Portrait tonight, I wanted to look pretty.

Now I have to run out, find another color for my roots only, wait till Critter naps and Get the (color) Party Started.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Dinner Theater

We often frequent a Yemeni restaurant, Yemen Cafe, in Brooklyn owned by a friend. We go there for Brunch  about twice a month. Yep, can you believe it, a middle eastern place for Brunch. We usually order eggs, which are kick ass, deliciously cooked with onions, peppers, tomatoes. We also order Critter's favorite; Hummus with Curried Chicken on top. He devours it with pita bread.

Critter has been a life long patron. He was made honorary chef early on (Jan. 13, 2011).
Last Sunday, after Critter finished his meal and got restless sitting in the high chair, he walked over to the Fish tank. The owner told Hubby to bring over the high chair. I thought he was going to put it AT the table in front of the fish tank and sit Critter in it, while Hubby and I finished eating.

Boy, did I underestimate the ingenuity of some people.

Critter was happy and quiet while Hubby and I finished eating.

Monday, November 7, 2011

You're The One That I Want

Am I the only one that has the Grease CD and listens to it?
Must be the Brooklyn in me.
FYI - Some of the scenes in the movie were filmed in our nabe, Bay Ridge Brooklyn.

LOL! After I hit publish, I realized that I was thinking of Saturday Night Fever that was partially filmed in Bay Ridge.
A big fat DOH!
I can edit the original post but am leaving it up there to show my flighty air headedness (is this even a word?)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Walk This Way

The average child starts walking between 12 and 15 months (I like to say 1 year 3 months).

Before we left on our month long trip, Critter took a few steps. While we were away, he was either strapped to a stroller or in a car seat and couldn't "practice" his steps. And when we did take him out, he was still crawling.....all over Europe.

When we got back and he was free to roam, he'd take a few steps, realize he can get there quicker by crawling and would plop down and off he'd go on all fours.

Well, it finally happened. On Oct. 16th, we went to a friend's wedding and I guess Critter saw how much fun everyone was having on the dance floor and after the wedding, back at the hotel room, Critter was walking all over the bed and floor....and he hasn't stopped since.

This video was taken on Oct. 18th. 

When he was first walking holding our hands, he looked like he was leading with his right foot, dragging his left. He wouldn't bend his knees.

I love his clumsy walk. I love how his legs are so far apart. I love his arms in the air for balance......whoa, steady.