Here I am and Critter is One Year Old!!
About a month ago Hubby asked, nudging toward Critter "You're not enjoying this, are you?"
"Huh? What do you mean?" I replied.
"I read something on your Mommy Diariest. It seems that you don't like being a mother."
"Huh? What was it? What did I say?" I asked.
"I don't remember exactly, but it seemed like......"
REALLY?!?!?!? Have I written something on here to that effect? Have I been so negative that it seems I hate being a Mommy? Sure, Hubby and I had our issues and I've stated that here BUT it has nothing to do with how I feel about Critter.
It's the complete opposite. I am GAGA about Critter. I adore and love him beyond anything describable. Since the day he was born, I have been in awe of my child. I can't stop kissing, cuddling him. I love everything he does and cherish every moment. Every day, I say to or about him that he is something else. He is special. I am truly enamored with my child. Everyday I give him hundreds of kisses, hold him so close to me. I don't want to stop kissing him. I don't want to put him down. And at the end of the day, before he falls asleep, I hold him so close to me, whispering to him how much I love him, I can't belief the day is over. It wasn't enough time with him.
I can't believe how fast the past year went by. It was the best year of my life! Sure there were times with Hubby that were tense but every moment with my child was a joy. And as I look back on the past year I really can say that. There were a few times when Critter was cranky and sick but I can honestly now say that I didn't mind them. I cherished every moment because I knew I wouldn't get them back. I watched my child in amazement as he developed from a newborn to a one year old with his own personality. I love everything Critter did/does. Every little gesture, facial expression, movement, every advancement he made I am enchanted with. I want to relive the past year. I want it all to happen again so I can experience the wonderful moments once more.
A year before Critter was born, Hubby and I had a difficult time in our marriage. My child came into my life at the perfect time. I now know what unconditional love is.
Everyday since he was born, I sing this little tune to him that I made up:
"You are Mommy's angel
You are Mommy's Love
You bring me happiness
You make my sun shine."
I truly believe that I need my child more than he needs me.
Happy Birthday, Critter.
You are the love of my life.
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June 24, 2010 |
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June 24, 2011 |