
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Critter Style

If you've never seen the  most viewed youtube video ever or head of Gangnum Style or tried to do some of the dance moves, you are not living on this planet.

Critter was first introduced to Gangnum Style by his cousins dancing to it on the wii Just Dance. And like millions before him, Critter is now gyrating his hips to the Korean beat.

 Everybody and his mother are doing it. Here's Critter

Here's the Just Dance video he dances to.

and another video of Critter doing Gangnum Style

Friday, January 18, 2013

Roll with the Paunches

"If she calls me fat, I'm going to let her have it." I said to hubby.
"Just ignore her." He replied "You be the better person."
"The hell with that. She's rude." I retorted. "If she says it, I'm going to tell her she's a bitch."

And so went our conversation on our way to see our friends. Well, not really my friends but Hubby's. They owned the dry cleaner's near our home and Hubby became very friendly with them. They sold the business and moved upstate and we were driving to see them and I was formulating comebacks to different 'fat comments' she might say to me.

The wife, a very outspoken 60 something year old woman; and very slim; has called my fat numerous my face. Maybe she means well, but doesn't know who to be gentle about the topic. The last time we saw them, she said "You still fat. You need to exercise." And proceeded to show my some exercises.

While at their home for two hours, not a peep out of her regarding my fat cells. I rolled to the car to head to the restaurant and said to Hubby "I'm shocked, she hasn't said anything about my weight."

We went to a Korean restaurant and I felt so self conscious eating in front of her. I wanted to devour every piece of sushi but limited the amount I took just so I don't have to hear the words 'fat' and 'you' in the same sentence. I figured if she sees the small portion I eat, she'll think I'm doing something to lose weight. But all that accomplished was me leaving the restaurant hungry.

You just weight loyal readers, the hefty comments are coming.

Toward the end of the meal, Critter was sitting on my lap and he was picking up stuff from the plate and feeding me. She says (to Critter) "You eat it. Stop feeding Mommy. No wonder she so big."
Did I throw Critter off my lap and reach over the table and paunch her? NO!
Did I fling food in her face? NO!
Did I cry? NO!
But I wanted to do all those things and then some.
My bulky self just sat there engaging with Critter, not looking up. Hubby must have given her an evil eye and tried to shush her cause she then says. "I'm just saying the truth."

Who am I yelling at? her? ARRRRGGGHH!

I swear she must have a bulk of comments cause.........

After dinner, we went to a Korean mall and supermarket. At the supermarket, they had samples of breads and pastries stuffed with different things. I tasted a few  and thought about buying one.
"Do you want anything?" Fat calling friend asked.
No. I'm trying not to eat bread." I replied.
"You shouldn't eat anything."

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Happy New Year

I know I know, we're two weeks into the year and I'm still telling people New Year greetings. When can we stop? Week 3? February?

Did I make any resolutions? Nope. What's the point? By March I'll forget what they were. But I have decided that I'm going to be bitchier and meanier. II know, is it even possible to be bitchier? YES! It's possible for me to even be MORE of a bitch. I know hard to beliive, but I'm going to try. I'm tired of people. I'm tired of stupid people. Tired of people that don't have common sense or curtesy. Tired of idiots and this world seems to be full of them. Stupid people that I encounter; you're going to hear it from me!

- If you're standing in the middle of the sidewalk curb cut having a conversation with someone you just bumped into, be prepared to get bumped by my stroller cause I need that curb cut. That's right, I'm not going to say excuse me or go around you. I'm going to keep on walking and walk right into you.

- If you're walking on the sidewalk and suddenly stop to use your phone and I'm walking behind you, guess what? That's right. I'm not going to inconvenience my self and stop short but I'm going to keep walking....right into you. And if I'm walking toward you and you stop to fiddle with your phone, I'm going to walk right into you. Or better yet, slap the phone out of your hand.

- If you're a cashier and I'm waiting for you to finish telling the other cashier about your weekend or the way your man treats you, before you ring me up, I'm going to yell "Sorry, to hear you have a loser boyfriend, but I'd like to pay for my _______"

- If you're a car and don't stop behind the white line at the intersection but slam on the brakes to avoid hitting me while I'm crossing the street, I'm going to cross the street soooooooo slooooooowly.

And so on and so on.

This is the Year of the Bitch.