I got Spam!!
And I'm not talking about the edible kind. And it's debatable if that Spam is edible.
I've gotten emails alerting me there are comments in posts on this blog. I was so excited that people were reading and commenting! When I opened the emails, the comments were incoherent jibber jabber (much like my posts) and under the comment was visit my site: __________.
I got 16 emails with comments on various posts but when I came to the blog and went through the posts that the emails stated had comments.There were only 3 spam comments.
I'm confused.
This is one of the comments in the email that is supposedly in the post titled "Eid" BUT wasn't on the blog
"Withcolor A, color A, ch 4, join with sl st in first
sc, hdc in next sc. Real prison is loneliness and being sexcam unable to
share an experience with another, such as salty, sugary, high-calorie, nutrient-poor foods that."
Here's another one. That was supposedly in the "Announcements" post, but wasn't on the blog.
"We found the inclusion of the heavily hyped 1 GH z kind that
you sexcam want to be treated. The front-facing VGA camera,
on the specs front the iPad 2 and, while we do have some complaints about exposure, which seems
like a weird choice.
My web-site ________"
And this one (of three) was actually a comment on the blog:
"5 that's Cupcake, if you do need to lookup someone's mobile phone number.
Row 2: With Color B, ch 150, turn, hdc in each ch to end, join in top
beg ch-3 = 24 dc. SearchLike Maps, Windows Phone 7 devices the same
ones we're reviewing here, actually to developers, and it's hard to deny
obvious physical attractiveness, and it's a good mix. In the
film, of course, it switched itself off just after the break to check it
out below. Update 2: And it sexcam could mean something.
Here's my webpage ______________"
How do I prevent this from happening again?