So you came here looking for something new to read?
Well, I'm in a Slump. A Funk.
Hopefully this will pass. Please come back tomorrow and Friday.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
I started writing something to put up here but couldn't get into it.
I feel BLAH! I don't feel like doing anything. I just want to sit on the sofa and stare at my kid.
Please visit the site Tomorrow and Friday. Hopefully, I'll be out of this funk.
But in the mean time, Enjoy George Carlin.
I feel BLAH! I don't feel like doing anything. I just want to sit on the sofa and stare at my kid.
Please visit the site Tomorrow and Friday. Hopefully, I'll be out of this funk.
But in the mean time, Enjoy George Carlin.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Hubby doesn't really care about watching sports on TV. He's not a loyal fan to a team or sport and doesn't need or want to watch games. During baseball season, I'm not dragged to a stadium to watch men chew wads of gum while they try to hit a ball with a wooden stick. During football season, Sundays don't revolve around him sitting in front of the TV with a bowl of chips as men huddle on TV.
I'm the luckiest woman on earth!
Occasionally, when it's a big game (playoffs, world series, super bowl, etc.), he may want to watch.
Yesterday, we went to Hubby's brother's house to watch the Stupor Bowl. I know nothing about the sport. I watch with one eye, asking lots of questions. Hubby has tried numerous times to explain it to me and gave up. I just don't get it. I know the concept of the game. Get the ball from one end of the field to the other. I don't understand the first down thing, why they run and kick the ball all the way across the field to no one, why they get a penalty for dancing in the touchdown area after scoring, etc. I root (sorta) for the team that's from the city I've been to and liked or the team wearing the prettier uniforms. Um, why were they both wearing yellow yesterday?? That should be a big No No! Yesterday, I was rooting for the team my bro-n-law wasn't. I was cheering for the Green Bay Packers. Hubby wanted them to win also. And they did. Can I call it or what?
It was a very boring game. No exciting moments. I missed Christinal Aguilera flubbing the National Anthem Drat! No watching o'er the ramparts that were streaming so gallantly?
No fat guy; hired only to block and push people around; getting a hold of the ball and making a run for the touchdown area. The commercials were a snoozefest. NOT one great one. There were a few OK ones. None worth linking clips to here.
I'm glad the half time show was of a group that didn't need respirators on stand by. We suffered too many years of old bands that put on a boring show. You can thank Janet Jackson for that.
Did anyone else think the sound was off during the half time show, especially when Fergie was singing?
At one point, Critter was sitting on bro-n-law's lap and he got hold of the remote. I guess Critter was also bored with the game cause he pressed some buttons on the remote and we were watching the game with Spanish commentary. And just at the moment, the Packers scored a touchdown. GOOOOOOOOOOL!
Critter was rooting for Telemundo. Ay Papi!
I'm the luckiest woman on earth!
Occasionally, when it's a big game (playoffs, world series, super bowl, etc.), he may want to watch.
Yesterday, we went to Hubby's brother's house to watch the Stupor Bowl. I know nothing about the sport. I watch with one eye, asking lots of questions. Hubby has tried numerous times to explain it to me and gave up. I just don't get it. I know the concept of the game. Get the ball from one end of the field to the other. I don't understand the first down thing, why they run and kick the ball all the way across the field to no one, why they get a penalty for dancing in the touchdown area after scoring, etc. I root (sorta) for the team that's from the city I've been to and liked or the team wearing the prettier uniforms. Um, why were they both wearing yellow yesterday?? That should be a big No No! Yesterday, I was rooting for the team my bro-n-law wasn't. I was cheering for the Green Bay Packers. Hubby wanted them to win also. And they did. Can I call it or what?
It was a very boring game. No exciting moments. I missed Christinal Aguilera flubbing the National Anthem Drat! No watching o'er the ramparts that were streaming so gallantly?
No fat guy; hired only to block and push people around; getting a hold of the ball and making a run for the touchdown area. The commercials were a snoozefest. NOT one great one. There were a few OK ones. None worth linking clips to here.
I'm glad the half time show was of a group that didn't need respirators on stand by. We suffered too many years of old bands that put on a boring show. You can thank Janet Jackson for that.
Did anyone else think the sound was off during the half time show, especially when Fergie was singing?
At one point, Critter was sitting on bro-n-law's lap and he got hold of the remote. I guess Critter was also bored with the game cause he pressed some buttons on the remote and we were watching the game with Spanish commentary. And just at the moment, the Packers scored a touchdown. GOOOOOOOOOOL!
Critter was rooting for Telemundo. Ay Papi!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Open Mouth, Insert Foot
Mondays (weather permitting), I take Critter to the public library for a Babies and Books "class". There's usually two dozen kids with their parents or guardians/nannies. I can't say I've befriended any of the parents, just engage in small talk.
Last Monday I saw a woman I hadn't seen in a few weeks (we hadn't gone cause of the snow). We've previously chatted. Her son is almost 2 years old and she's pregnant.
Before the class, I saw her across the room and asked very loudly, loud enough for all to hear, "You're still pregnant?"
"I'm done. I had the baby." She replied.
I was horrified! I just did (said) what I hated done (said) to me! I was so embarrassed. How do I correct this wrong? What do I say to this woman?
"I'm so sorry" I replied. "When did you have the baby?"
Oh, dear goodness!! That wasn't better. Sounded like I'm sorry she had a baby.
H-E-L-P M-E!!
I wanted to tuck Critter under my arm and make a run for it. I'm such an idiot. I have no social skills. I try to be funny and sometimes it comes out rude or insulting. Many times I'm so not PC. Actually, I don't mind being not PC. I hate political correctness. It always seems to come across phony; Sugar coated phrases not to insult anyone.
I felt really bad. Sure, she still looked pregnant, but did I need to remind her she still has the pudge? I'm sure to many I still look preggo (7 months later). Heck, sometimes I feel like I still have a preggo belly.
"When did you have the baby?" I asked.
"Ten days ago" She replied
"TEN DAYS AGO!" I belted. "Wow, and you're out and about? You're my hero".
Did I just call this woman My Hero? (Wind beneath My Wings)?
The Toddler room the class is held in isn't very big. I felt all eyes were on us as this conversation (me, making an ass out of myself) was going on.
"I had to get out." she politely replied. The class started, she sat across the room from me.
I really feel bad for Critter. I'm probably going to ruin his social life.
Last Monday I saw a woman I hadn't seen in a few weeks (we hadn't gone cause of the snow). We've previously chatted. Her son is almost 2 years old and she's pregnant.
Before the class, I saw her across the room and asked very loudly, loud enough for all to hear, "You're still pregnant?"
"I'm done. I had the baby." She replied.

"I'm so sorry" I replied. "When did you have the baby?"
Oh, dear goodness!! That wasn't better. Sounded like I'm sorry she had a baby.
H-E-L-P M-E!!
I wanted to tuck Critter under my arm and make a run for it. I'm such an idiot. I have no social skills. I try to be funny and sometimes it comes out rude or insulting. Many times I'm so not PC. Actually, I don't mind being not PC. I hate political correctness. It always seems to come across phony; Sugar coated phrases not to insult anyone.
I felt really bad. Sure, she still looked pregnant, but did I need to remind her she still has the pudge? I'm sure to many I still look preggo (7 months later). Heck, sometimes I feel like I still have a preggo belly.
"When did you have the baby?" I asked.
"Ten days ago" She replied
"TEN DAYS AGO!" I belted. "Wow, and you're out and about? You're my hero".
Did I just call this woman My Hero? (Wind beneath My Wings)?
The Toddler room the class is held in isn't very big. I felt all eyes were on us as this conversation (me, making an ass out of myself) was going on.
"I had to get out." she politely replied. The class started, she sat across the room from me.
I really feel bad for Critter. I'm probably going to ruin his social life.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Year of the Rabbit
Happy Chinese New Year!
I really don't know much about Chinese culture. Growing up my older sister and I had two friends that were Chinese (and also sisters). I was a pre-teen and never asked about their heritage. All I wanted to know was when they could come out to play. They lived a block away and we'd often go ring their bell and then hit the street and play handball against the corner building. When I was a teen, they moved to a different neighborhood; which later became Brooklyn's Chinatown.
I really don't like Chinese food. Probably because I've only had the Americanized version of it. This crap that's passed off at fast food joints ain't the real thing. Every dish tastes the same to me. It all has this glaze of soy sauced film like goo. I love food. Thai food being my favorite. And I will only go to this place for Thai. I like spicy tangy flavors (probably where Critter gets his palette from and has asked me to plant a lemon tree on the fire escape for him). I've always wanted real authentic Chinese food. I imagine it as quite tasty with a burst of flavors. Sure we live in NYC and there's a huge Chinatown practically in our backyard but picking a restaurant to eat at always mystified me. Which one is good? Which ones are the real deal? Do we go to one full of Asian diners?
The other day, my Bro-n-law, sis-n-law and 3 of their kids came over. We ordered from Grand Sichuan House, a local restaurant that I've read rave reviews about.
"What do you want?" My sister-n-law asked her husband .
After he scanned the menu, he selected something from the "American Section", Chicken with Garlic Sauce - UGH!!
"And get me an egg roll." He added.
"They don't have egg rolls." She replied.
I immediately liked this place!
"How can they not have egg rolls?" He hollered.
"This place is supposed to be authentic." I replied.
I got the Shrimp with Citrus Flavor and Dan Dan Noodles and my SIL got Cumin Beef.
"What the heck is that? My BIL asked looking at the Chicken with Garlic Sauce. "It doesn't look like it".
And NO it didn't look nor taste like Chicken with Garlic sauce from the typical Chinese places I've previously had.
I"M LIKING this place!
And WHY HAVE I NEVER had Dan Dan Noodles before???????
OMG! They were sooooo good; spicy and tangy.
I want to try more items from the menu. I just might like Chinese Food (the real deal) after all.
Now, as for this rabbit. Makes me want to go out and get one. Not the animal, but the toy ;-)
And if you go chasing rabbits, and you know you're going to fall.......
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
I love snow. I like looking at it. I love playing in it. After a fresh snowfall the city looks gorgeous. There's a hush and tranquility in the air.
This is the longest stretch of time that snow has been on the ground in New York City. Since Dec. 26th 2010, we've seen the white stuff on the sidewalks. Seems like every week we get a few more feet to add to the mountains of shoveled snow.
During and after a snow storm people are out in full force shoveling the driveways, the sidewalks in front of their homes, making a path for people to walk.....or maybe not.
My phat middle finger goes up to homeowners that only shovel a path wide enough for a one legged skinny person. Hey, I'm pushing a baby carriage and I can't through!
My other phat middle finger goes up to homeowners that don't shovel ALL the snow from in front of their house so after a cold day it turns to ice. I'm talkin' to you, homeowners of 9422 Ridge Boulevard.
The house takes up two corners and they NEVER shovel thoroughly. Every time I want to go anywhere I have to walk by the house. And since it has snowed, when I walk past that house I (and the stroller) have had to walk in the street with traffic! Oh and in the fall, they don't rake their leaves off the sidewalk. The house is for sale, here's the link. At the closing, the broker should give the new owner's a shovel and a rake.
And if I had another hand, that middle finger would go up to whoever is supposed to clear the snow from the crosswalks.
On Monday, when these photos were taken. I was walking to the library and I came upon a narrow path. It was just wide enough for the stroller BUT there was a hand truck blocking the path. I was livid...after just going around a Poland Spring truck blocking the crosswalk and curb cut! I ram the hand truck with the stroller, it moves forward a few inches and then falls to the right into the bank of shoveled snow. At that point the Poland Spring delivery man comes down the stairs from the home and says "I'll move that for you."
"Don't bother, I'll move it." I replied as I leaned forward, lifted the heavy sucker and threw it into the snow bank. Did I mention the hand truck was HEAVY!
I think there's more snow on the way. Aaaaarrrrgggghhhh! Am I supposed to stay home cause I can't walk on the sidewalks with a stroller? Or should I knock on people's doors and ask them to help me push the stroller through the too narrow path they've created?
This is the longest stretch of time that snow has been on the ground in New York City. Since Dec. 26th 2010, we've seen the white stuff on the sidewalks. Seems like every week we get a few more feet to add to the mountains of shoveled snow.
During and after a snow storm people are out in full force shoveling the driveways, the sidewalks in front of their homes, making a path for people to walk.....or maybe not.
My phat middle finger goes up to homeowners that only shovel a path wide enough for a one legged skinny person. Hey, I'm pushing a baby carriage and I can't through!
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I couldn't get the stroller through this path. Had to walk in the street. |
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Critter's stroller barely made it through this path |
The house takes up two corners and they NEVER shovel thoroughly. Every time I want to go anywhere I have to walk by the house. And since it has snowed, when I walk past that house I (and the stroller) have had to walk in the street with traffic! Oh and in the fall, they don't rake their leaves off the sidewalk. The house is for sale, here's the link. At the closing, the broker should give the new owner's a shovel and a rake.
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9422 Ridge Boulevard icy Path |
On Monday, when these photos were taken. I was walking to the library and I came upon a narrow path. It was just wide enough for the stroller BUT there was a hand truck blocking the path. I was livid...after just going around a Poland Spring truck blocking the crosswalk and curb cut! I ram the hand truck with the stroller, it moves forward a few inches and then falls to the right into the bank of shoveled snow. At that point the Poland Spring delivery man comes down the stairs from the home and says "I'll move that for you."
"Don't bother, I'll move it." I replied as I leaned forward, lifted the heavy sucker and threw it into the snow bank. Did I mention the hand truck was HEAVY!
I think there's more snow on the way. Aaaaarrrrgggghhhh! Am I supposed to stay home cause I can't walk on the sidewalks with a stroller? Or should I knock on people's doors and ask them to help me push the stroller through the too narrow path they've created?
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Lemon Tree
Lemon Tree
....but the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat.
On Sunday morning we were at a friend's restaurant for Brunch and Hubby wanted to see Critter make a sour puss face like most kids do when they taste lemon for the first time. So his friend brought out a wedge of lemon and they set about experimenting with my kid. A normal mother would stop them but all I said was 'Wait, Wait, let me get the camera".
Hubby was holding Critter. He took a wedge of lemon, brought it up to Critter's face. Critter opened his mouth and in went the lemon. NOT a flinch! NO cringing when he tasted it. NO upturned face. NO flicking the tongue up and down to get the taste out of his mouth. All he did after the first taste was lean in to get more....and more.
I do have a video. I won't put it up because Hubby is in it.
But believe me it was uneventful.
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