
Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I always wanted a scooter. A few years ago, we actually thought about getting a Vespa. But for a two wheeled machine, they ain't cheap.

Well, we got a scooter! It happened a couple of weeks ago. Critter is now on his stomach, lifting his upper body, raising his arms over his head, plops them in front of him and drags the rest of his body. He's on the go! and boy is he going. There isn't a place he hasn't tried to drag him self to....under the sofa, close to the edge of the bed, under chairs, etc.

So, my video making skills aren't the best. And, yes, when he reaches the car I'm pulling it car further away.....hee hee heeeeeeee.


  1. Look at him go. He is such a handsome little fella.

  2. When did he start this? I feel I missed a entire chapter.
