
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year Resolutions

My New Year resolutions are:

- to lose this extra baby weight...20 pounds. Jeez, it's been a year and a half since I birthed Critter. I would have been my thin self long ago if I wasn't constantly shoving chocolate and sugary laced things into my mouth. I bought a sequence tank top, striped shorts and I'm ready to Walk it Out, so I know dat I'm a win.

- not to be so bitchy to Hubby. Yes, believe it or not, sweet little ole me can be a total bitch. Surprise! I'm often very short (not just height wise) with Hubby. I seem to have less and less tolerance for him. Well, this year, I'm going to try a different approach. I'm not going to get irked by the stupid things he does; ooooh, and there are plenty (hint, hint, hubby, you can resolve not to do stupid things). I'm going to be nice and sweet when I talk to him. This will be a real test of my tolerance. So far it's been four days of a Bitch free Wife. Do you want to take bets how long this will last?

- To make and save money. I'm not sure I want to go back to work full time. I think about it constantly. I think about leaving Critter and not seeing him for 10 hours a day and it breaks my heart. I'd miss him so much. I also don't want someone else raising my child. But our financial situation, while not dire, could be better. I do look at job listings and have sent out my resume to a few places. But unless the pay is extraordinary, and that is unlikely in Architecture/Design, I'm not going to take a job where 1/2 my salary is going to daycare.
I have to think of something I can do from home, while Critter is sitting on my lap or tearing the apartment apart. Or something I can do in the evenings when Hubby comes home.....besides (not) be bitchy to him.

- to drink more water. I know this should be easy but....I'm still nursing and should drink more water than the average person but yet I'm not. My skin is sooooo dry that it's cracking. My fingers and feet look like a dry cracked desert.

- to change my life. I know this is so vague. I feel like I'm in a rut. More on this later.

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