
Thursday, March 15, 2012


I'm still nursing Critter. I know! Can you believe after all the stress and hard time I had with breastfeeding early on that I'd still be doing it? Not me. But I'm a pro now at lifting my shirt and Critter sucking. Well, you know what I mean.

Critter is a year and 8 months old. Many people stop nursing at the one year old mark. Some go to much later. Um, I don't want to be one of those women that gets interviewed for a 20/20 segment called "Mothers that go to their Child's Kindergarten Class to Nurse Them". I think about weening him, I'm not sure how or when to do it. I read somewhere that you'll know when a baby is ready to be weened, they'll be signs. Hello! He's a boy. I don't think they ever want to stop having their mouth on a breast.

He nurses in the morning, when he wakes up, and if we're home for the afternoon nap, and at night.Many times I think it's a comfort for him. I do enjoy nursing him. It's our special time. We lay down and I hold him and while he's nursing, I kiss him constantly and tell him how special he is to me and how much I love and adore him.

When Critter is hunger, he wants to be nursed. When he's sick, he wants to be nursed. When he's thristy, he wants....yep, you guessed it.

A while back, I said to him 'You want boobie', or something like that, and as any parent will tell you, kids are sponges and will pick up and repeat words and phrases. Weeeeeeel, after my saying 'Boobie' once or twice, Critter figured out that Boobie means, well, boobie.

Every time he wants Mama's milk. He says Boobie. And god forbid, I don't whip a Ta Ta out fast enough for him to wrap his mouth around it, he'll say 'Boobie' repeatedly and louder and LOUDER. It doesn't matter where we are. Critter has chanted 'Boobie, Boobie, Boobie....' in stores, on streets, on the subway, and people's homes. He has no shame with his request and won't stop saying 'Boobie' until he's happily suckling.

Sometimes, I'm embarrassed when he's yelling 'Boobie' because it's also accompanied by him tapping on my chest or he's lifting my shirt or sticking his hand down my shirt. What can I say, he's a help yourself kind of guy. He thinks it's a Self Serve Buffet.

One time, we were on a very crowded subway train. We were standing and Hubby was holding Critter. There was an ad for weight loss with before and after photos of a topless man. Critter points at the before picture and very LOUDLY says, "Boobie".

NOTE: didn't proof reead above, so I'm sure many typos and grammatical errors. I'm rushing cause Critter is due to wake up soon and want you know what.

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