
Monday, April 1, 2013


I got Spam!!

And I'm not talking about the edible kind. And it's debatable if that Spam is edible.

I've gotten emails alerting me there are comments in posts on this blog. I was so excited that people were reading and commenting! When I opened the emails, the comments were  incoherent jibber jabber (much like my posts) and under the comment was visit my site: __________.

I got 16 emails with comments on various posts but when I came to the blog and went through the posts that the emails stated had comments.There were only 3 spam comments.
I'm confused.

This is one of the comments in the email that is supposedly in the post titled "Eid" BUT wasn't on the blog

"Withcolor A, color A, ch 4, join with sl st in first
sc, hdc in next sc. Real prison is loneliness and being sexcam unable to
share an experience with another, such as salty, sugary, high-calorie, nutrient-poor foods that."

Here's another one. That was supposedly in the "Announcements" post, but wasn't on the blog.

"We found the inclusion of the heavily hyped 1 GH z kind that
you sexcam want to be treated. The front-facing VGA camera,
on the specs front the iPad 2 and, while we do have some complaints about exposure, which seems
like a weird choice.

My web-site ________"

And this one (of three) was actually a comment on the blog:

"5 that's Cupcake, if you do need to lookup someone's mobile phone number.
Row 2: With Color B, ch 150, turn, hdc in each ch to end, join in top
of beg ch-3 = 24 dc. SearchLike Maps, Windows Phone 7 devices the same ones we're reviewing here, actually to developers, and it's hard to deny its
obvious physical attractiveness, and it's a good mix. In the film, of course, it switched itself off just after the break to check it out below. Update 2: And it sexcam could mean something.
Here's my webpage ______________"

How do I prevent this from happening again?


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Critter Style

If you've never seen the  most viewed youtube video ever or head of Gangnum Style or tried to do some of the dance moves, you are not living on this planet.

Critter was first introduced to Gangnum Style by his cousins dancing to it on the wii Just Dance. And like millions before him, Critter is now gyrating his hips to the Korean beat.

 Everybody and his mother are doing it. Here's Critter

Here's the Just Dance video he dances to.

and another video of Critter doing Gangnum Style

Friday, January 18, 2013

Roll with the Paunches

"If she calls me fat, I'm going to let her have it." I said to hubby.
"Just ignore her." He replied "You be the better person."
"The hell with that. She's rude." I retorted. "If she says it, I'm going to tell her she's a bitch."

And so went our conversation on our way to see our friends. Well, not really my friends but Hubby's. They owned the dry cleaner's near our home and Hubby became very friendly with them. They sold the business and moved upstate and we were driving to see them and I was formulating comebacks to different 'fat comments' she might say to me.

The wife, a very outspoken 60 something year old woman; and very slim; has called my fat numerous my face. Maybe she means well, but doesn't know who to be gentle about the topic. The last time we saw them, she said "You still fat. You need to exercise." And proceeded to show my some exercises.

While at their home for two hours, not a peep out of her regarding my fat cells. I rolled to the car to head to the restaurant and said to Hubby "I'm shocked, she hasn't said anything about my weight."

We went to a Korean restaurant and I felt so self conscious eating in front of her. I wanted to devour every piece of sushi but limited the amount I took just so I don't have to hear the words 'fat' and 'you' in the same sentence. I figured if she sees the small portion I eat, she'll think I'm doing something to lose weight. But all that accomplished was me leaving the restaurant hungry.

You just weight loyal readers, the hefty comments are coming.

Toward the end of the meal, Critter was sitting on my lap and he was picking up stuff from the plate and feeding me. She says (to Critter) "You eat it. Stop feeding Mommy. No wonder she so big."
Did I throw Critter off my lap and reach over the table and paunch her? NO!
Did I fling food in her face? NO!
Did I cry? NO!
But I wanted to do all those things and then some.
My bulky self just sat there engaging with Critter, not looking up. Hubby must have given her an evil eye and tried to shush her cause she then says. "I'm just saying the truth."

Who am I yelling at? her? ARRRRGGGHH!

I swear she must have a bulk of comments cause.........

After dinner, we went to a Korean mall and supermarket. At the supermarket, they had samples of breads and pastries stuffed with different things. I tasted a few  and thought about buying one.
"Do you want anything?" Fat calling friend asked.
No. I'm trying not to eat bread." I replied.
"You shouldn't eat anything."

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Happy New Year

I know I know, we're two weeks into the year and I'm still telling people New Year greetings. When can we stop? Week 3? February?

Did I make any resolutions? Nope. What's the point? By March I'll forget what they were. But I have decided that I'm going to be bitchier and meanier. II know, is it even possible to be bitchier? YES! It's possible for me to even be MORE of a bitch. I know hard to beliive, but I'm going to try. I'm tired of people. I'm tired of stupid people. Tired of people that don't have common sense or curtesy. Tired of idiots and this world seems to be full of them. Stupid people that I encounter; you're going to hear it from me!

- If you're standing in the middle of the sidewalk curb cut having a conversation with someone you just bumped into, be prepared to get bumped by my stroller cause I need that curb cut. That's right, I'm not going to say excuse me or go around you. I'm going to keep on walking and walk right into you.

- If you're walking on the sidewalk and suddenly stop to use your phone and I'm walking behind you, guess what? That's right. I'm not going to inconvenience my self and stop short but I'm going to keep walking....right into you. And if I'm walking toward you and you stop to fiddle with your phone, I'm going to walk right into you. Or better yet, slap the phone out of your hand.

- If you're a cashier and I'm waiting for you to finish telling the other cashier about your weekend or the way your man treats you, before you ring me up, I'm going to yell "Sorry, to hear you have a loser boyfriend, but I'd like to pay for my _______"

- If you're a car and don't stop behind the white line at the intersection but slam on the brakes to avoid hitting me while I'm crossing the street, I'm going to cross the street soooooooo slooooooowly.

And so on and so on.

This is the Year of the Bitch.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

I hope you go and vote.

Critter Endorsed Barack Obama a year ago.
He has a board book about him that he constantly "reads". He knows his name, where he lives and his children's names. For a while, he insisted on taking the book with him everywhere we went.

This video was taken June 2012 in Chicago. I am sure I have an earlier video of Critter "reading" the book, but I don't want to waste lots of time looking for it. It was from May 2012, we were on the train and Critter wanted the book and he's screaming very loudly  "I want Barack Obama. I want Barack Obama."

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Talking Head

"He's vocabulary is amazing." She said, referring to Critter.
"Wow, he's talking. How old is he?" Another mother asked when Critter was a year and 7 months.

Critter was an early talker. He started babbling very early. He had distinct 'M' sounds for things.He'd see a dog and say mmmmmmmm. He'd see a car and say mmmmmmm, he'd want milk and say mmmmmm, but all with a different intonation. Hubby and I knew exactly what he was saying. His first 'real' word was Dada, and Hubby reminds me ALL the time. Next came 'Mama' and 'More', then 'Stop'. By one year old he knew about a dozen or so words. Ka = car - Yeah I know, I felt like he was from Boston, Da = Dog, Ta = Truck, Up, Dow  = Down. By one year and 3 months (that's 15 months) old, he was saying about 70 words.

To put it in perspective an average 2 year old knows 50 words.
Granted he wasn't using all 70 words all the time, but when he saw something, he'd point to it and say the name.
He also started putting words together in mini sentences, earlier than the average. And he now is up to 7 word sentences.

"You must spend a lot of time teaching him." Another woman once said to me.
Actually, I (and Hubby) didn't spent any 'structured' time 'teaching' him words and sentences. We didn't consciously sit down with him in front of a blackboard and flashcards and drilled words into him. I spoke (and still speak) to him all the time. Since the day he was born (and before), I talked to him, telling him things, what we're doing, where we're going, what's going on.

I started doing it since day one. I remember the first night in the hospital, when all the visitors were gone and I was laying in bed with him, I held him and started telling him how precious he is and telling him about his home and all the people in his family, etc.
When we got home from the hospital, I was talking to him constantly.  After Hubby went to work, I felt so isolated at home. The first couple of months can be very overwhelming, stressful and hectic and I guess to keep my sanity I talked (non-stop) to Critter. I also sang to him alot, which calmed him when he was irritable. Many times I would sing my phrases instead of saying them.
We got a few ditties out of it. Like when taking him to the bedroom to change his diaper "Whooooo did it? Whoooooooo did it? Who did the poo poo in the diiiiiiiaper?"

Maybe all my talking (singing) to Critter from day one and beyond (before) attributed to his early speech. I don't know. All I know, Critter is a jabber mouth.

You can have a full conversation with Critter. Um, just be prepared to talk about trucks (construction, fire, garbage, etc.), cars, bugs, airplanes, etc.

Oh, and my favorite thing is when he mispronounces words. Oh, my gosh, it's the cutest thing. My favorite word that he muddles is Street sweeper. He says it, sheep sheep stir

I'll try to put up a video of him talking.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

I know a day late, but I didn't have time yesterday, being MY day.

"What do you want for Mother's Day?" Hubby asked a week before the big day.
"I don't want anything." I replied. "I have the best gift ever." I said, holding Critter and kissing him.

I know it's corny, but it's true. I don't need/want anything materialistic. My son is the greatest gift.

Since the day he was born, he has given me so much.
He has filled my life with lots of love.
Everyday, everything he does gives me joy and happiness.
Every time he smiles, I melt. Every giggle and laugh, I rejoice.
He has given me the best days of my life. There is nothing more I want or need than my child.

"What do you want to do on Mother's Day?" Hubby asked
"Nothing special really." I said. "Just enjoy the day, like we always do."

Again, I know it's corny, but the truth is, I have the best time with Critter, just hanging around. His favorite thing to do is go "Outsigh" (outside), "go park". I love seeing him have fun and he always has fun, no matter where we are and what we're doing. He just loves being outdoors and walking/running on the sidewalks, touching trees, smelling flowers (yes, he sees flowers and stops and smells them), looking at cars, trucks, airplanes. He has the best reactions to everything, saying "Oh WOOOOW." and  "Look at that."

 I love seeing him enjoying life. It's the small things that make him happy. I love seeing his expression and reactions to things. I love watching him explore and play and smile and laugh and discover and learn.

We spent Mother's Day at the park, Critter playing in a sand pit, and climbing the equipment. We then put a sheet on the grass and played with a ball and tickled Critter and laughed and giggled and smiled and had a wonderful day.

I love every minute I spend with my child. And that is the best gift.
Critter getting a Hug and Kiss from his Mommy
Another Kiss from Mom

Getting an Upside Down Tickle
Doing Airplane on Daddy's Legs
Getting Tickled

Friday, April 13, 2012

Time is NOT on My Side

I don't get it. I don't understand how some stay at home mothers (or fathers) are able to do everything. I can barely juggle taking care of Critter, let alone make dinner...and that's on a good day.

I want to do more during the day, but I just don't have the time. The only time I can do something, that doesn't involve Critter, is when he is napping. And he really doesn't have a routine where he naps at a specific time. And when he is napping and if we're home, I end up cooking dinner in that time frame.

Ugh! I wish I had more time to do personal things. People tell me I have to find time. Really?! I say EF you, you have no clue. Do they expect me to ignore my child during the day? When Hubby comes home, we eat dinner, play with Critter and sometimes I can do a few things. But most times I want to be with Critter and Hubby playing.

Hence, dear readers, why the spotting posting. I barely have time to take a breath of air.
Speak of the Critter,  he's waking up from a nap!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Mets Opening Day

Today was Opening Day for the New York Mets. Here's what Critter thought about it.

He wore a Yankees shirt today!!

Please note:
  1. Critter has no clue what is on his shirt or what it probably doesn't even care.
  2. Critter doesn't know what baseball is. Although, he does have a foam bat and ball that he plays with. It's really cute the way he tries to hit the ball with the bat. 
  3. I have no affection or loyalty for either NY baseball team. Make that I have NO affection for ANY team.
  4. I'm not particalurly fond of Baseball
  5.  I could care less for baseball or any sport for that matter.
  6.  I put the shirt on Critter, not in alliance to the Yankees but to piss off my brother-n-law, who is a die hard Mets fan and has dragged me kicking and screaming to numerous Met games. Ok, I wasn't kicking and screaming, but I was bored outta my mind at the games. Thank goodness I had my sense of humor with me. No baseball player and play was spared from my sharp tongue.
  7. I was trying to get Critter to chant "Let's Go Yankees" and tape it, so I can further incense my brother-n-law.
  8. I DID NOT pay for the shirt. I would NEVER EVER NEVER spend money on a sports related anything!
OH and CONGRATULATIONS to the NY METS! They're in first place.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Day

Yesterday was the first day of Spring.
Listen (closely) to what Critter had to say about the weather.

Everyday as soon as we step out of the building, Critter always makes a comment about the weather. Yesterday, he said it twice and then I asked him again...........he said "Nice out."

Here he is enjoying the day at the park.

We go to this playground often and this was the first time he climbed on those 'things' and wanted to jump. He also slid down the BIG metal slide all by himself for the first time yesterday. No pics or video cause I was on top after climbing up the stairs behind him worrying he doesn't fly off the slide at the bottom, cause the metal was slick.

My baby is growing up!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

Daddy Day

to Critter's Daddy (Hubby)!

Hubby loves Marilyn Monroe. I guess it's the sexy Blond Bombshell thing. I'm the complete opposite.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


I'm still nursing Critter. I know! Can you believe after all the stress and hard time I had with breastfeeding early on that I'd still be doing it? Not me. But I'm a pro now at lifting my shirt and Critter sucking. Well, you know what I mean.

Critter is a year and 8 months old. Many people stop nursing at the one year old mark. Some go to much later. Um, I don't want to be one of those women that gets interviewed for a 20/20 segment called "Mothers that go to their Child's Kindergarten Class to Nurse Them". I think about weening him, I'm not sure how or when to do it. I read somewhere that you'll know when a baby is ready to be weened, they'll be signs. Hello! He's a boy. I don't think they ever want to stop having their mouth on a breast.

He nurses in the morning, when he wakes up, and if we're home for the afternoon nap, and at night.Many times I think it's a comfort for him. I do enjoy nursing him. It's our special time. We lay down and I hold him and while he's nursing, I kiss him constantly and tell him how special he is to me and how much I love and adore him.

When Critter is hunger, he wants to be nursed. When he's sick, he wants to be nursed. When he's thristy, he wants....yep, you guessed it.

A while back, I said to him 'You want boobie', or something like that, and as any parent will tell you, kids are sponges and will pick up and repeat words and phrases. Weeeeeeel, after my saying 'Boobie' once or twice, Critter figured out that Boobie means, well, boobie.

Every time he wants Mama's milk. He says Boobie. And god forbid, I don't whip a Ta Ta out fast enough for him to wrap his mouth around it, he'll say 'Boobie' repeatedly and louder and LOUDER. It doesn't matter where we are. Critter has chanted 'Boobie, Boobie, Boobie....' in stores, on streets, on the subway, and people's homes. He has no shame with his request and won't stop saying 'Boobie' until he's happily suckling.

Sometimes, I'm embarrassed when he's yelling 'Boobie' because it's also accompanied by him tapping on my chest or he's lifting my shirt or sticking his hand down my shirt. What can I say, he's a help yourself kind of guy. He thinks it's a Self Serve Buffet.

One time, we were on a very crowded subway train. We were standing and Hubby was holding Critter. There was an ad for weight loss with before and after photos of a topless man. Critter points at the before picture and very LOUDLY says, "Boobie".

NOTE: didn't proof reead above, so I'm sure many typos and grammatical errors. I'm rushing cause Critter is due to wake up soon and want you know what.

Friday, March 9, 2012


Everytime I sit down to write, so you, my loyal readers, would have something to read, Critter either wakes up, or I have to cook dinner or clean something or life beckons.

As things are happening in my life, I always think I'd write about it cause it's funny, pathetic and worth sharing. I always know what I want to write and I mentally write it in my head but then I rarely get a chance to.

So sorry and bare with me.
Here's a teaser. Today's topic would have been either about, Critter talking or boobies.

Maybe when Critter naps, I'll get a chance.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012

Food Fight

Critter and I have been having a Food fight for months.
I'm not sure what happened but I went from having a child that ate (almost) everything to one that eats almost nothing....especially VEGETABLES.

When I was pureeing food he gobbled it all up; carrots, pears, apples, spinach, beets, he reluctantly ate peas, but he ate them.
Now, I'm lucky if he'll eat a carrot piece I've hidden under layers and layers of bread.

We're at the stage where he wants to do everything himself so I can't spoon feed him anymore. YEAH! for him being independent. When I was feeding him he'd inspect what I gave him. He'll look at the spoonful of food and if it's something he recognized and was in the mood to eat, he'd open his mouth. Many times he turned his head away, leaving me frustrated. BOOO! for him being picky.

I've searched for ways to get him to eat. I googled, I asked, I cooked (a variety of things).

Many recommend offering a variety of food on a plate, with something you know they will eat and let them feed themselves and hopefully one day they'll surprise you and eat the veggies.Weeeeeeeell, I hate to burst bubbles of the super moms that have claimed this works. It's not working for me! Critter takes the food and piece by piece throws it over the side of the table, creating a nice sea of food on the floor. He has grabbed chunks of food and flung it across the room. I've gotten hit in the line of fire. It's a nightly ritual. We all sit at the dinner table, Critter in his high chair, and hubby and I watch as he pokes his food, pushes it around the plate, and then picks  up a piece of food and as he raises his arm higher and higher my hopes of it going in his mouth are shattered when I see the morsel of food I lovingly cooked torpedo to the floor. Sometimes, he's in a hurry and will  pick up the entire plate and fling it on the floor.

I 've gotten really frustrated BUT after much research, I'm realizing that lots of kids go thru this and hopefully it's just a phase he'll outgrow AND all I can do is put the food on his plate and watch him throw it on the floor.

 If he wasn't so cute I'd get really angry but he really is adorable when flinging food.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

In Sickness and in Health

I hate Hate HATE when Critter is sick.

We visited my sister-n-law for President's Day weekend and her 3 year old son was sick. Critter and him played together, sharing cars and balls and germs....and then Critter shared them with us.

Critter started coughing last Tuesday and by Thursday, he also had a fever.
When he's sick he gets so cranky and whiny....and needy....and he doesn't eat.
I don't mind him being needy. I actually like him clinging to me for comfort. I like knowing that being in my arms he feels secure and loved. On Monday, Critter slept most of the day in my arms and wanting comfort. I cherished the moments cause I know one day he won't be my little boy anymore, I wont' be able to hold him like I do now.

Critter is better. Hubby is still coughing. I'm congested and coughing.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What is Love?

A day of heart shaped boxes with chocolates inside.
Red Cards with cupid shooting an arrow into someone's heart.
Red roses wrapped in cellophane or in a box.

What is Love? On Valentine's Day everyone is in love, or wants to be loved or is thinking about love.
I finally know what love is. I'm experiencing true love. It's hard to explain or put into words. It's a feeling of happiness and joy when you see that person. When you're with them, the world is just right, everything is perfect. When you're together, nothing else seems to matter.

Critter, my son, is the love of my life. Ever since I first laid eyes on him, I was head over heels for him. He has shown me what unconditional love is, what true affection is. These are feelings beyond words.

I tell him everyday I love him. I tell him so many times a day. I hold me close, smother him with kisses and tell him. And I think he loves me.

I ask him "Does Mommy love you?" and with a grin on his face he taunts me with a "No" and I shriek "WHAAAAT!". He then says "Mommy coming" and scampers away but not too fast so I can catch him to tickle and kiss him and again tell him  I LOVE HIM.

Happy Valentine's Day from Critter. 
He knows when you're in love your heart goes 
Pitter Patter Pitter Patter.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Happy Days

Who's cooler than the Fonz?

My Son!!

Critter rocking a "leather" jacket......

....and a bomber hat.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Bathroom is Occupied

"Can you please take him out of the bathroom?" Hubby yelled. "I'm in here."
"Why? Don't you like sharing the bathroom with Critter." I replied.

Sheesh, all  Critter wanted was to play.....granted Hubby was on the throne.....but still.
Welcome to my world, I told hubby.

Everyday and every time I use the bathroom, when Hubby isn't home, I leave the door open so I can hear what Critter is doing when I can't see him. AND every time, he comes in to the bathroom. He'll stand there, jabbering away, as if there's nothing wrong with having a conversation while someone has their pants around their ankles. Or he'll want to be picked, kinda difficult to pee and hold a kid in your arms. Or he'll open the cabinet under the sink and take out the hairbrush and brush his hair. Or he'll look in the tub, point and talk to his tub toys. Or, he'll try to pick up my pants.

It never fails, I can't pee in peace.

The other day, I was doing my business, and yes Critter came charging in. He opened the under sink cabinet, took out the hairbrush and styled his hair. He then looked at me, well, between my legs and decided that my coif needed styling, and took the hairbrush to my nether region. Okay then! When your year and half old does that, not only do you think he's very perceptive but it's time to take out the weed wacker and trim the lawn.....oh and maybe I should start closing the door while I tinkle.

Sorry NO pics of the toilet, hairbrush or the rug.

But here is a pic of Critter getting his last haircut (his third) on Nov. 11, 2011. He cried the entire time.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year Resolutions

My New Year resolutions are:

- to lose this extra baby weight...20 pounds. Jeez, it's been a year and a half since I birthed Critter. I would have been my thin self long ago if I wasn't constantly shoving chocolate and sugary laced things into my mouth. I bought a sequence tank top, striped shorts and I'm ready to Walk it Out, so I know dat I'm a win.

- not to be so bitchy to Hubby. Yes, believe it or not, sweet little ole me can be a total bitch. Surprise! I'm often very short (not just height wise) with Hubby. I seem to have less and less tolerance for him. Well, this year, I'm going to try a different approach. I'm not going to get irked by the stupid things he does; ooooh, and there are plenty (hint, hint, hubby, you can resolve not to do stupid things). I'm going to be nice and sweet when I talk to him. This will be a real test of my tolerance. So far it's been four days of a Bitch free Wife. Do you want to take bets how long this will last?

- To make and save money. I'm not sure I want to go back to work full time. I think about it constantly. I think about leaving Critter and not seeing him for 10 hours a day and it breaks my heart. I'd miss him so much. I also don't want someone else raising my child. But our financial situation, while not dire, could be better. I do look at job listings and have sent out my resume to a few places. But unless the pay is extraordinary, and that is unlikely in Architecture/Design, I'm not going to take a job where 1/2 my salary is going to daycare.
I have to think of something I can do from home, while Critter is sitting on my lap or tearing the apartment apart. Or something I can do in the evenings when Hubby comes home.....besides (not) be bitchy to him.

- to drink more water. I know this should be easy but....I'm still nursing and should drink more water than the average person but yet I'm not. My skin is sooooo dry that it's cracking. My fingers and feet look like a dry cracked desert.

- to change my life. I know this is so vague. I feel like I'm in a rut. More on this later.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Auld Lang Syne

We're going away for the weekend.


or do you like this version better?

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Bah Humbug

Every year I say I'm not going to wait till the last minute to buy Holiday gifts.
Well, here I am again, a couple days before Christmas and I still have to get some gifts.

UGH! I'm heading into Manhattan with a big ass stroller and I'm prepared to push frazzled shoppers aside and shove tourists outta my way.

I hope I find what I'm looking for. Otherwise people will have Present Face.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

On The Waterfront

I'm going through photos of Critter and selecting some for a calendar for Mom. Shhhhhh. Don't tell her she's getting a calendar of Critter photos for Xmas.

I just saw photos of Critter's favorite thing to do in Brooklyn.

After having brunch at his favorite restaurant (with the fish tank), he likes to go to the waterfront in Dumbo.

He sits and gazes at the river and the expansive city beyond.

Then he plays with the rocks. Picking them up, inspecting and tossing them toward the water.
Every time we've been there (which is often), there's been an Asian couple taking wedding photos. See upper right hand corner.

We move to another part of the waterfront and he plops down and more rocks go flying.

He'll move rocks from one area to another.

We'll then ride the famous Jane's Carousal.

Then he'll play with the grass and dirt

Then he'll try to climb on anything within range.

And look up at me indicating I better not stop him.

There's also a playground we visit. Have juice and snacks. Play with his ball.
By the end of the afternoon, Hubby and I are more exhausted then Critter.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Shitty Shitty Bang Bang

NO! The title doesn't mean this post is going to be about my sex life with Hubby!

I know kids like to watch the same thing over and over, but this is getting ridiculous.

Critter likes, or I should say loves, music. I constantly sing to him a variety of kid songs. I'll sing while we're in a car, walking and he's in the stroller, just sitting around. If I stop he'll say "more, more".

About a month ago, we watched our Chitty Chitty Bang Bang DVD (so he can listen to the music) and he hasn't stopped watching it! Every day, he'll pick up the remote, point it at the TV and say "Ka"

He's only interested in the scenes with the KA (car). We start the DVD at the scene where the car comes out of the garage all spruced up, and they drive off for a picnic, picking up Truly along the way.......AND that F*CKING SONG starts!

Hubby's favorite line in the movie is when Dick runs Truly off the road into the lake and he says " You'll find a slight squeeze on the hooter an excellent safety precaution" (3:25 in the linked video).....and she still goes on the picnic with them. Maybe she's hoping Dick will show her how a hooter is squeezed.

Critter likes when I sing Do Re Mi but I don't dare put in the Sound of Music DVD. There would be only so much of Maria I can take.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Critter's In Love

We went to a wedding Friday night. An update about my hair troubles at some other time. The more important issue is, Critter is in Love! She came out and he was in awe. Couldn't take her eyes off her. I'm not sure if it was her outfit, what she was doing, her hair, her Ta-tas or her gyrating hips, but Critter was (along with every other person) gaga. I had to roll his tongue back into his mouth.

He literally just stood at the edge of the dance floor and was watching her from afar.....mesmerized.

At one point, while she was dancing, Critter went out to the lobby and practiced his dance moves, probably thinking he can impress her.

This post is dedicated to a friend. He was supposed to go to the wedding, but at the last minute decided he wasn't up to it. If he knew Critter's Love was going to be there, I'm sure he would have been it....and came.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Pink Panther

Well, There You Go, I gone and really done it now!
I can't really get into details now, cause I got to run out to remedy this.

My hair has been doing a funky thing, very dry, falling out. I'll follow up with more details, later.I color my hair every three weeks. Hey, I ain't a young girl, I've got grey!
I decided to try a natural hair dye, thinking that the one I was using was possibly causing the dryness and breakage.

Stupid Girl, I colored my hair yesterday with a new product I had never used before.

Weeeell, I wish I can say it came out Fuckin' Perfect, but.....why are my roots PINK???????? That's right pink. You read that right. Do I need to spell it out? P-I-N-K!

The color was supposed to be Light Mahagony Chestnut.....Looks pretty on the box, right?

But Who Knew?! My hair would turn out really dark brown (nothing like the box) with PINK roots. All the white hair (roots) turned PINK! Arrrrrgggggghhhhhh!

My husband said I look like Rania.

I wish I was that pretty. But yeah, that's the color of my roots BUT with dark rest of head.
I wouldn't care, but we're going to a wedding tonight. Hubby said not to worry about it, "So What, noone is gonna be looking at you". But, but, it looks awful, like someone threw PINK Glitter in the Air and it stuck to my roots. When we ttake our Family Portrait tonight, I wanted to look pretty.

Now I have to run out, find another color for my roots only, wait till Critter naps and Get the (color) Party Started.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Dinner Theater

We often frequent a Yemeni restaurant, Yemen Cafe, in Brooklyn owned by a friend. We go there for Brunch  about twice a month. Yep, can you believe it, a middle eastern place for Brunch. We usually order eggs, which are kick ass, deliciously cooked with onions, peppers, tomatoes. We also order Critter's favorite; Hummus with Curried Chicken on top. He devours it with pita bread.

Critter has been a life long patron. He was made honorary chef early on (Jan. 13, 2011).
Last Sunday, after Critter finished his meal and got restless sitting in the high chair, he walked over to the Fish tank. The owner told Hubby to bring over the high chair. I thought he was going to put it AT the table in front of the fish tank and sit Critter in it, while Hubby and I finished eating.

Boy, did I underestimate the ingenuity of some people.

Critter was happy and quiet while Hubby and I finished eating.

Monday, November 7, 2011

You're The One That I Want

Am I the only one that has the Grease CD and listens to it?
Must be the Brooklyn in me.
FYI - Some of the scenes in the movie were filmed in our nabe, Bay Ridge Brooklyn.

LOL! After I hit publish, I realized that I was thinking of Saturday Night Fever that was partially filmed in Bay Ridge.
A big fat DOH!
I can edit the original post but am leaving it up there to show my flighty air headedness (is this even a word?)