And boy have I been eating!!
So far through out this pregnancy, I've gone through cycles of food lusts.
Early on (1st trimester), I wanted Tater Tots and Tater Tots and Tater Tots. I resisted buying them cause, let's face it, we've all been brainwashed by Dr. Atkins to avoid starches.
We went to Hubby's sister's house for dinner. I walked into the kitchen to say hello to her as she was cooking.
"Hi, How are y.....TATER TOTS!!" I belted out, as she used the spatula to turn them over in a pan.
"I'm making them for the kids. Do you want some? Should I make some more?"
"YES and YES!"
We sat down for dinner and I wolfed down a plate full of tater tots drenched with ketchup.
Another sister-in-law asked "You're eating Tater Tots? That's not like you, you avoid potatoes at every corner."
We hadn't told the family yet I was carrying a bundle so I kept stuffing my face with tater tots avoiding the question.
I want STARCH! and not to use to iron clothes. But Noodles, pasta, potatoes, etc.
I'm sorry Dr. Atkins to have failed you, but it really isn't me....The Critter inside is making me do it.
Pregnant women seem to want comfort food and potatoes are that.
Are you craving sweet things?