
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cry Baby

Wha, wha, wha, wha, wha...and so on and so on and so on.
Hearing a baby's piercing cry has to be the most unsettling sound.

Critter isn't a wailer. Never was.
Don't get me wrong. He cries when he's hungry and lately because he's teething....and rarely. He just doesn't ball his eyes out.....UNTIL early this morning.

1:59am Critter was contently sleeping, 2:00am, he started to cry. I gave him the boob. He sucked a little, then opened his mouth and deafening cries came out.
I picked him up and sitting in bed, rocked him. Nope, he didn't calm down.
I tried to give him the boob again. Nope, didn't want it.
Okay. Probably his teeth. Put gel on his gums. Nope, still wailing.
For one hour and a half, he was inconsolable.
I went out to the living room, put him in his stroller and started to walk around the room. He'd dose, but as soon as I stopped 'strolling' he'd open his eyes and with this forlorn look up at me, as if asking, "why'd you stop?"
After 'strolling' the living room, we laid back down and he finally fell asleep.....UNTIL 5:00am, when the wailing started again.
I gave him the boob. Rejected it! Huh! What male rejects boobs flung in his face?
I tried to give him a bottle. Nope!
I changed his diaper. Nope, didn't appease him.
I took off his PJs and inspected him. Maybe he physically got hurt. Nope, no signs of pain.
We went out to the living room, gave him some water. He looked around and started to point at things. He was calming down. We sat in the rocking chair swaying back and forth. It worked. He started to dose and we went back to bed.

Hubby and I were baffled, he's never ever cried like this. Sure, we've had nights when he was cranky cause the burp wouldn't come out. But that was when he was just a baby.And we weren't up past 1:00am.
Critter's never gotten up in the middle of the night crying hysterically. This was unprecedented.

Did he have a bad dream? Of a baby bully snatching a toy from him?

He awoke this morning at 9:30am (2 hours later than normal), with a great big smile on his face. Had breakfast and happily played, pushing a toy car across the wood floor, as if nothing happened early this morning.

Um, Critter, let's not have a repeat tonight, Momma needs her beauty sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Poor dear. Teething is most likely the answer if he didn't display signs of sickness, like fever.
