
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Induction into the Hall of Maternity

According to a pregnancy calendar, I shouldn't have seen the doctor yesterday (Wednesday) cause Critter should have been in my arms last Saturday.

Doc checked me out on the inside. Critter sure is nestled up in there! Doc looked thru my belly. Heartbeat seems good, there's fluid surrounding the baby.

I'm 4 days overdue and not that Doc is worried but because of my age; hey, I thought age was only a number, besides I'm not sporting a walker yet or have blue hair; he wants me to go for a Sonogram and fetal monitoring as soon as possible (I got an appt for today). And then see him again on Saturday (19th) morning.

And if Critter isn't here by next Wednesday (23rd), the nasty word 'Induce' came up. No way do I want to be induced!

I went for the Sonogram / monitoring this morning.
Blood Pressure, Temperature, Urine in a cup. If I can actually see past my belly, I might be able to aim it in the cup!
Measured my belly. From the top to the bottom it's 38-1/2"

Into a room I went. I shared the room with another preggo with a curtain dividing us. Nurse/Tech hooked up two round flat things on my belly to monitor Critter's heart for 15 minutes. The machine was turned on and the band started to play. I could hear Critter's heart thumping away. I could also hear my 'roommate's' baby's heart beating. For the first couple of minutes it was interesting listening to what seemed like a group of tone deaf teenagers practicing for the Battle of the Bands with their older sibling's out of tune instruments. BUT 10 minutes into it I was ready to confess everything and tear apart the floor boards to reveal the Tell-Tale Heart!

Nurse/Tech was looking at a computer screen with squiggly lines and #'s and from where I was laying all hooked up to the machine, I can see numbers changing from 148, 151, 155 back to 148. What does that mean??

Then off to the sonogram. Expose the overdue belly, machine went on my mound and Critter was on the screen. Measured the head, the stomach, it's femur, the fluid, etc., etc. Is it okay? Is everything fine? Why can't I find out the results now instead of waiting till I see my Doc on Saturday?????

Sonogrammer said Critter right now is estimated at 7 lbs 15 ounces.
That's almost 8lbs!!! That's huge!
Oh my goodness......How the heck is Critter gonna come out of 'THERE'??????
Ouch! Ouch! and OUCH!!!!!!

GET THIS PUDGY BABY OUT OF ME NOW! or I'm going to put it on a diet till next Wednesday, planned Induction Day.


  1. Don't worry about it. It's not unheard of to be past your due date. And there have been bigger babies.

  2. Anticipation.... making me wait...

    You know, this is not a Heinz Ketchup commercial.

    BTW today was the "over/under" on the due date :)

  3. Wow, that's going to be some baby.
    Go for the epidural.
