
Friday, June 11, 2010

My Favorite Things

With only one day till Critter is 'DUE', I've been reflecting about this pregnancy.

Looking back I hate to admit, I've had a really easy time. Compared to some other pregnancies I've heard and/or read about, mine was a breeze. Sure I was nauseous in the beginning, congested most of the time, my back aches and my feet are swollen to the size of cinder blocks.
But the reality is, I felt good most of the time and had no major health issues and I'm thankful.

It was fascinating experiencing a pregnancy and reading and discovering about the stages of embryo / fetus development. We even watched a DVD - National Geographic The Biology of Prenatal Development.

Some women love being pregnant and feel gorgeous; I'm looking at you Heidi Klum; I can't say I feel / felt that way.
It's been an experience, that's for sure. It was interesting seeing my body go thru changes but I didn't feel gorgeous or more of a woman.

Will I miss being pregnant? Probably not.
Will I look back at this time in my life fondly. Of Course.

I hate to admit but I do enjoy when Critter moves around inside. I actually enjoy sitting around with hubby watching my belly. There were specific times Critter was most active; 7am-10am, 1pm-3pm and 7pm-Midnight. In the evenings, we'd sit around watching it, waiting...waiting for movements. I'd feel Critter moving and the the show would start. We became active participants by egging it on.

- I'll miss Hubby tickling my belly to get a reaction from critter. Critter would kick or jab and hubby would push the spot and critter would kick back.
- I'll miss Hubby talking into my belly, telling Critter to kick Mommy.
- I'll miss playing 'Guess the Body Part'. We'd feel around my belly and try to figure out if it's Critter's foot, elbow, hand, etc.
- I'll miss Hubby massaging my cinder block feet every night.
- I'll miss laying in bed and Hubby holding me and caressing my belly.

These have been my favorite things about being pregnant.

Ripples in stomach and jabs in my belly
Hubby pressing me where I'm swelly

Critter pushing back and my tummy springs

These are a few of my favorite things

With the back pains

With the pound gains

When I'm feeling fat

I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel soooo bad


  1. I've been reading your posts and have enjoyed them very much - I hope you continue to keep this blog going and that it's not just for the pregnancy as it's been very entertaining. I like your ironic sense of humor and you've made me laugh many times.

    This particular post of yours is one of my favorites, though. It was warm as well as funny, and it was touching. Oh, and by the way, judging by the 2 pregger photos you posted of yourself, you *do* look gorgeous. I'm sure your followers agree.

    Good luck with the delivery and enjoy your first post-Critter meal.

  2. This put a tear in my eye.It brought back a lot of fond memories of my pregnancies.
    Those are magical moments when the baby movements happen.

  3. I'm glad to hear you had an easy pregnancy and had special moments to remember.
    It is an amazing experience.

  4. I agree. That's the best part about being pregnant, the baby moving around.
