
Friday, April 30, 2010


I had my 3rd trimester sonogram (probably my last) this morning.

I pull into the parking lot, get out, and tell the attendant that I'm only going to be about an hour. So they don't bury my car in another field or high up on those car lifts.

"Are you sure only an hour? It looks like you may be here for a few days cause you're about to pop." He said looking at my belly. And then he adds "I'm just kidding, mama."

Hey mister, I know I'm huge but 1) leave the jokes to the professionals and 2) don't quit your day job to be the opening act for Chris Rock.

Sonogram was routine. Zoom into that part, freeze frame, measure.

"The baby has curly hair." Sonogrammer said.
She froze it on Critter's head and pointed out its hair. It was sticking up like a mohawk.


  1. wonderful! So exciting!

    -Olivia's Servant

  2. I didn't know they can see hair on a sonogram.
    Hopefully, it's like your hair and not your husband's (not there).

  3. Did they give you a printout from the sonogram? Put it up so we can see.
