
Thursday, April 22, 2010

I Met the Queen of Preggo Jabbers

Yesterday, I was sitting in the Doctor's waiting room with two other big bellied broads. I start a conversation with one.
"When are you due? I asked, cause she looked H U G E!
"Next week.
"You must be anxious."
"Yes, You'll get there also. When are you due." She politely questioned.
"Two months. And I'm getting anxious now. I can imagine how you feel." I said and that was the last time I uttered more than 3 words cause she kept talking and talking and talking. AND wouldn't let me get a word in.

I learned:
It's her second child, first is an 8 year old boy, this one is also a boy, she's from Brazil, she just moved to the nabe and then got pregnant and didn't know she was pregnant cause she wasn't feeling any symptoms until the 5th month when she went to the Doctor complaining of stomach. pain. Her 1st delivery was a C-section. This one is also a scheduled C-section. The school her son goes to gives lots of homework and he doesn't have time to do it all....and on and on and on.
15 minutes of listening to her, I was so happy when they called my name.

I thought only 1st time Moms-to-be JABBERED away about their pregnancy. She would not shut up! I wanted to tell her all about my pregnancy :-(

Hey, it's my first!


  1. You met your match.

  2. That's funny.
    Moms do like to talk about their children. This is only the beginning. Just wait till the baby starts turning, crawling, walking. We won't be able to stop you from sharing everything.

  3. Well if you want to have a 30+ minute conversation about my baby's digestive system and it's current woes give me a holler.

    - Olivia's Servant
