
Monday, December 20, 2010


To the right -------->;, it states there will be new posts on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Loyal reader you're probably wondering what happened on Friday. Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start.

A few years ago one of Hubby's brothers was picking up a blanket and hurt his back. He was in pain for days; Not being able to get up. And why am I telling you this? Follow me, will you.

Well, 2 years ago Hubby and I went to pick up Back Pain Brother, his wife and kids from the airport. I believe they were coming back from Canada. She-Ra Me Princess of Power lifted a suitcase and put it in the trunk. As soon as I lifted it, I felt a crack in my back. I didn't think much of it; my back always cracks. That night my back felt stiff and a little achy. The following morning I couldn't get out of bed. The pain was excruciating! Every time I tried to turn or lift my leg, I got a sharp shooting pain in my lower back. I was howling from the pain. For five days I was out of commission; I laid on a heating pad on the floor, took hot showers, rubbed Tiger Balm. Hubby had to help me with every step I took. I would put my foot down on the floor and a sharp spasm would shoot thru my back, rendering me crippled. I was powerless to this pain in my back (and I'm not talking about Hubby).

I called my doctor. He said that back pain as I described afflicts many people. It's very common. I can go to the emergency room, but they'd only give me pain killers. I can come into his office and get cortisone shots, or continue to do what I'm doing; heating pad, hot showers, ointments, wraps. I opted for the home remedies.

It has happened a few times after but not to the severe degree as the first time AND this past Thursday I was lifting Critter to put him in his stroller and I felt my back crack. That night I felt the stiffness (and I'm not talking about Hubby). Friday morning the pain was unbearable. The heating pad came out, the ointment jar was uncapped. Hubby didn't go to work and we set out with our tested routine of Back Therapy. I laid on the heating pad for a while, then took a long very hot shower massaging my lower back as the hot water hit it.  Tried to walk around a bit (I find if I sit or lay for long periods of time, the back pain is worse). Back on the heating pad. More walking; or should I say shuffling around. Hubby did all the work with Critter. Nursing him was a hurdle but we managed. I'd crawl into bed very slowly and hubby laid Critter next to me. Before I could position myself properly Critter had already found me and would be chomping away. Saturday, I was still in pain and achy, but presents for the holidays had to be purchased. We drove into Manhattan instead of taking the train so I'd be more comfy. Every pot hole we hit I cried in pain. Getting in and out of the car was a spectacle. Hubby would open the door, I'd inch one leg out at a time, grab the handle on the door and try to push my self up always crying in pain. Once I started walking, I felt better. Walking ie: shuffling along at a snails pace and every so often I'd stop, hunch over and yelp as a sharp pain shot through my lower back.
Sunday, the pain was worse, but I was determined not to let this cripple me. The Snail, Hubby and Critter went out for more shopping. We came back early and as soon as I shuffled thru the door, I ran (haha - took me about 10 minutes to walk to the bedroom) to the heating pad.

I'm grateful for Hubby for having patience thru this and doing the majority of the work. It can be very draining. I told Critter to be patient cause Mommy is Broken. He didn't quite understand and still wanted to play.
I'm feeling a lot better, still achy, but at least I'm more mobile than the past three days.

I make fun of Back Pain Brother-n-law all the time, cause my back pain started when I was lifting a suitcase not a lightweight fluffy blanket. And my I remind you it was a suitcase coming from Canada that I lifted (not stole) that started my back pain issues; so there's only one thing to do and that is to BLAME CANADA for my pain!


  1. Take care of yourself and body. Your baby is only going to get heavier.
    Have you tried acupuncture?

  2. Soaking in a tub on a weekly basis will do wonders for the body and mind.
    Fill the tub half way with warm water get in it and fill it with very hot water so your body gets used to the temperature. Sit in it for at least 15 minutes. You're muscles will relax. If you feel lightheaded drink water so bring a glass of cold water into the bathroom with you.
    Hope you feel better.
