
Monday, December 13, 2010

The Mad Hatter

Hubby came home with a shopping bag. He took Critter and went into the Nurserice. I followed them, asking "What's in the Bag?"
"Go outside and close your eyes." Hubby replied.
"Open Your eyes."
"OMG, I want to eat him." I said as I looked at Critter wearing an cute hat.

Cute Hat
"Close your eyes." Hubby said, as they went back in.
"Open your eyes."
I shrieked when I saw Critter wearing a cuter hat.

Cuter Hat
It's Knit on the Top and Sides
"Close your eyes."
Yep, they went back in (these fashion shows can last a long time) and when I opened up my eyes, Critter was wearing a rat!!!

Furry Critter
I want to keep the cuter hat (#2). Hubby wants to keep the rat. I'm not feeding it!


  1. Adorable regardless of how furry his head gets.
    Are we supposed to guess which one you like the best? Hope he's wearing one of them, it's cold on the East Coast.

  2. #3 has wings and is ready for take off.

  3. I vote cuter. The rats looks like, well, a rat!
