
Friday, December 3, 2010

I'm a Loser

Of all the things we had that I have lost
there is one thing I should never have crossed
It was an object in a million, my friend
I should have known it would be lost in the end

While I was preggo (feels like years ago), I "lost" my memory.
Well, I'm not pregnant anymore so what's my excuse now? I still forget to do things. I wake up saying I need to do XY and Z. I end up doing ABC.

But now it's worse. I'm forgetting where I put things, or more accurately, I'm forgetting to bring things back home from wherever we go.
My baby has "luggage" he travels with every time we step out of the house. "Luggage" filled with essentials and "just in case" things. I go into the bag to get diapers, another burp cloth, a change of clothes, a toy, etc. While visiting people, his things tend to get strewn around, and at the end of the night I frantically run around collecting his things. Weeeeell, not everything seems to make it back home.

In the last month, I have lost:
One bottle cover (no big loss, his bottles don't leak)
A gelly filled teether in the shape of a foot. He loved to 'chew' on this. It came in a set. We still have the hand.

He loved to put his foot in his mouth
His winter hat. I should say no loss cause his winter outer suit (?) has a hoodie but it was a nice hat and we had been looking for a hat that'll cover his ears w/o animal faces (barf!) for a long time when I stumbled upon it in Old Navy (so it wasn't too expensive). But I still think of that hat often cause he looked sooooooo adorable in it.

and now I lost: THE CAMERA!!!
Yes, that piece of mechanical equipment that takes images so you can reflect on them at a later date. A time machine into the past.
It wasn't an expensive camera but it was my vessel to acquiring pictures and videos of the love of my life so I can have lots to look at in my old age. To remember the most precious and treasured time of my life.

I searched our apt. high and low and I now think we left it at a friend's house over Thanksgiving weekend. The last time I remember using it was to video tape Critter in their indoor swimming pool.
Readers, don't be jealous of the indoor pool, just send cash to help replace the camera if it isn't found.


  1. I hope you find the camera.
    He IS very cute in that hat.
    As he acquires more things, you and he will lose more. It's the rite of childhood.

  2. If he stops doing adorable things and not being a cutie pie, you don't need the camera.

    Get another camera ASAP.
